Thursday, May 20, 2010

I truly can't wrap my mind around that in 8 sleeps Devon James will turn 6 years old. Were did the time go? I'm not sure, but I do know that I have loved every minute of it. I get to watch this young boy grow to become a man. Lets be honest it hasn't all been peachy keen. It's been a great ride and I don't want it to end. Devon has a servants heart. What a wonderful quality God has blessed him with. I can't wait to watch Devon us his talent to serve the kingdom. Devon lives to be outside. He wakes in the morning around 7:30am ready to roll (that is outside). It really doesn't matter what it is outside as long as it is outside. We have this wonderful pond in our back yard full of animals. Frog, fish, ducks, baby ducks, tap polls, and inside colt his Ginnie pig. Their isn't one yet he hasn't caught. Devon makes me laugh he got his daddy's humor and I love it. Devon loves to quote moves here are just a few of his favorite lines. "Hello gorgeous", Shake what your mommy gave ya", Open the door get on the floor everyone wants a dinosaur". "Rocky loves Emily". Their are many more but have escaped my mind at the moment. We were reading one night before bed about Mary, and how she washed Jesus feet with expensive perfume, and dried Jesus feet with her hair. He looks at me and said "that's gross, I beet she looked like a rage a muffin". We laughed so hard it hurt. I'm thankful that God entrust me to be your mommy for a few short years!

How cute you are.

Devon has caught many frogs in his days. But never one quite as big as this one. It scared me .

This is a dead baby duck that Devon caught:( (he didn't kill it)

I know it's hard to see but their are about 60 tiny fish in this red bucket

He is on the move to scoop up fish with his net

My might hunter!

The bull frog on the run. I screamed like a girl:)

Devon holding his frog. I don't have a picture of the tad polls but they are the size of a softball.

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