Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oh, what a year 2009 has been. I'm happy that I had my family to go through it with me. What joy, and frustration my children bring me. The frustration comes form them teaching me things about myself that I'm not sure I really wanted to learn. And I really don't like to be stretched. It's not a bad thing, I need to be stretched. I've learn patients, gentleness, and not to have yelling be my first line of communication. Wow, looking at that makes me thankful for forgiveness. I sound like I'm rating my self out, just a little. I'm thankful that these three little children have taught me so much. The biggest one and the one I'm most thankful for is LOVE. My children love physical contact. Their is always a tackle football game, wrestling match, or karate match going on. If your not careful somehow you find your self right in the middle of it being taken down by two small boys (Devon is 5 and Cameron is 3). It makes me giggle every time. I can only imagine what are home will be like in 5 to 10 years. Here are a few pictures into the lives of the Downie Family. After all I've said I still can say that my children really love one another. So as far as 2010 goes we are going to be working on communication. Opening the lines up so are kids can express them self's to us with good old fashion talking.

This is Devon and Cameron enjoying or first snow of the year in Eagle Idaho.

This picture make me LAUGH so hard. JB and I let or kids dress and do their hair by them self. Their has only been a few occasion were they need help. This is one of those times. When you don't want to crush them he was so proud of is hair.

My little LC. She loves her mommy.

One morning I was working around the house only to find it to quite. With my camera in tow I set out to see what was up. I listen for a little while as they discussed what they should call their new hid out. And how in the middle of the night they should sneak out of their beds and sleep on the shelves with their sleeping bags. I'm glad to say it has yet to happen.

They screamed like girls when they realized I was taking their pictures in their hide out.

Wow, I can see him at the age of 21:(

Lauren love to play with Cameron. They loves cars and dress up. They also like to sit in my laundry basket together and talk.

When I won't let Lauren sit on my lap Devon is always her second choice. She smiles, looks at him, and then backs herself up to him ,and drops her little bottom onto him. He is a soft spot for her to fall.

Anything you can do I can do better.

It doesn't matter how cold it is out side the boys always want to wear shorts. If one is outside they are all out.
We have NO princess here. JB loves that.


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